Monday, December 28, 2009

Snow Fun

I am not a big fan of blizzards, but when the snow comes down in big fluffy flakes, falling straight down instead of sideways- we are a fan of that at this house. My little boy squeals with delight when he sees this out the window. Then he begs to call his dad at work to tell him it is snowing and ask him to come home and play with him outside.

Here are some photos of the fun we had outside over the holidays when all the cousins came to visit!

I think took 3 full sized males to lift the belly and head of the snowman, and a ladder to add the hat. These little kiddos were rather impressed.

The dads and the daughter (and Grandma) spent a day cross-country skiing. When they were almost done, they decided to have a huge snow-ball fight.

Thanks for all the fun everyone!!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Christmas Eve Pajamas.
One of my favorite Christmas traditions. We are all about comfy clothes at this house, so we are big fans of new jammies. A few of my children have to change every time we leave the house, because they are always wearing pajamas.

It was really fun to find some little jammies for Cooper that matched what the other boys were wearing.

Christmas Day!

This year I did not take pictures like I should have. We did so much better with the video camera. Here is a little of what Christmas morning was like.

Monday, December 21, 2009

First Week Home

We have been having a a great time with this little guy. He is mellow, patient and so much fun. We have forgotten what it is like to have a baby around at this place, and luckily, he is being nice while we figure it out again.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gingerbread Fest

Please excuse my appearance, I was not fixing hair at this point !!

As a tradition at Grandma's house, when all the cousins come before Christmas, we decorate 3 gingerbread houses. One for the big girls, one for the middle girls, and one for the boys. None of the girls ever want anything to do with the house the boys decorate. The girls seem to have a much more orderly approach.
So grateful that we have a fun tradition with our cousins, and so grateful Grandma and Grandpa for letting us make a huge mess at their house.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cooper comes home

Here are a few more pictures of this little baby boy in the hospital. I am late getting these up and I cannot believe how much he has changed already.

We are finally ready to come home. This chubby little boy barely fit into his newborn outfit!!

This big brother was really excited about finally bringing his little brother home.

Does anyone else think this looks like a lot of kids???

Welcome Baby!

Welcome Cooper
born December 15, 2209
at 1:44pm
8 pound 9 ounces
20 adorable inches

"Ten fingers and toes, curious eyes, gurgling mouth, gentle soul.
A miracle in our midst."
C. Harris

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Oh, Christmas Tree

Ever since I was a little girl, my family has had a tradition of venturing out to the woods to cut down a Christmas tree. Over the years, my own little family has joined in on this tradition. This year all the kiddo's wanted to do was sled down the hill, instead of hiking up the hill to cut down a tree.

Thanks to my parent and the Parkers, for another fun year!

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving was a 2 day event this year. My parents decided to celebrate on Wednesday, and Aaron's parents on Thursday. It was rather nice to spend a day with each family, instead of being rushed and trying to make it to two Thanksgiving feasts. It also helped us to not totally gorge ourselves, trying to eat two HUGE meals.

After we ate dinner, Aunt Sherry pulled out a gingerbread house kit for the kiddos to put together. It was so nice. I went and laid down for a nap while Sherry and Grandma Jackie helped my kids get crafty. They spent hours working on the cute little house. It was a fun idea, I am going to try to remember to do it again next year.
Carson and Grandpa enjoyed a little "Tom and Jerry" after the gingerbread house was mostly finished.

The week before Thanksgiving, Morgan decided to take charge and organize a family home evening lesson (since her parents don't seem to have it all together right now!) She read us a story on gratitude and gave each of us a paper and pencil. We were to work on a list of things we are grateful for and them share them with everyone. I was quite impressed with my 10 year old, for taking care of what her mother should be doing.

Paige's list: toys, books, mom, dad, DS, baby, sister, brothers, food, bed, home, friends, bathroom, room. (Let me explain- we are finishing the bathroom in the basement, because that is where the big girls live now.)

Morgan: mom, dad, sister, brother, new brother, books, food, house, room, toys, cousins, clothes, beds, piano lessons, heat, trailer, my family, school, math, dad's job, my teacher, the church, the prophet, temples, cars, swimming pools.

Carson: toys, colors, paint, ice cream, new bathroom, our house, my room, the baby.

Mom: (mine is kinda short, not because I am not grateful, but I was helping the little boy with his list.) family, warm house, the holidays, dishwasher, Aaron's job, peppermint ice cream.

Dad: health, my job, home, corn nuts, love, friendships and family, church, priesthood, testimony,temples, all my kids, 626 (his white little car, that he has had since before we met 15 years ago.)

A little random, I know!! Thanks to Morgan for a fabulous idea!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Photography by Carson

Carson really wanted to take some pictures, so I told him he could take just one. Here is what we got.

He seems to be getting better at taking the pictures, maybe not at listening, since I told him to take only one. I am secretly hoping that this means, that deep down inside he really quite likes his big sisters.


Happy Halloween! Once again, the kids dressed up for the parade at school. Here is a class picture from Paige's class. I feel like a terrible mom, because by the time I made it to Morgan's class her teacher had already started class, so we were not able to get a photo for her. Paige's teacher was "Salt" and those little kids thought it was the coolest thing ever.

We LOVED that Halloween was on a Saturday this year, and we didn't feel like we running around crazy all day long! We carved our pumpkins that afternoon, went to a trunck-or-treat that evening, and then headed to both grandparents houses after that. It was so nice to not have to try to get the kids home and to bed on time. In case you were curious, that spray hair color makes for some VERY colorful bathwater!! Paige just giggled and giggled at how pink her bathwater turned.