cooper was unaware that we had saved carson's fire truck toddler bed, so we decided it would be a great motivator to get him potty trained. we kept telling him if he would stay dry all day, we would set up the fire truck bed. it took a few days, but we were finally able to set it up for him.
unfortunately, he has no interest in sleeping in it. he loves to play in it, and fill it completely with toys from his room. luckily, we were inspired and left his "cibb" (as cooper calls it) set up, so that when he refuses to stay in bed and fall asleep, we just move back to the crib. we have found he will only sleep in the toddler bed if he has missed his nap, and he is too tired to make trouble.
a few months ago, i left my wallet at the temple and when i went to go pick it up, i had cooper with me. i told him about the temple being pretty and that angel moroni was on top. since then he has been pretty interested in moroni. now he makes towers out of blocks and lego's and puts toy people on top and calls them moroni. he also like to stand on anything higher than the normal ground, and pretend he is moroni. in this picture he is even playing his trumpet.
we are really hoping that someday soon, he will actually sleep in his bed, and we can finally be done with that crib.