Monday, October 5, 2009

The Harvest

My husband spent the better part of his Saturday harvesting the garden. It was in pretty bad shape, considering he has had a broken back for a couple of weeks, and I am essentially useless.

It was nice to get one thing off of our growing list.

I must say, I am seriously going to miss that green grass, here's to nine months of winter. (I really hope we still get a little bit of a Fall season, even if I woke up this morning to a snow covered lawn:(


Anonymous said...

I think we need one of those sleds!


Elena said...

Look at all those pumpkins!! Way to go! And yes, comes winter, ready or not.

Nichelle said...

Wow, you guys had lots of pumpkins. I bet Carson will have a blast carving those. It looks like you guys had a great time painting the little pumpkins.

Hanna in the Hizzzouse.. said...

I'm with you, I hope that we get to see the beautiful Fall season! So far it's a no show! Wretched Winter anyway!
We had quite the harvest of pumpkins as well!

becky ward said...

i wondered where all those pumpkins came from! how fun is that.

i think i am the only one excited about snow covering their yard! i cannot wait. i felt a little ripped off when i woke up monday morning and everyone's lawns were covered but my mud was still VERY visible!

Anonymous said...

I glanced at the third picture and thought it was Zach on the sled! Those two could be brothers.

LW said...

How fun! You guys are such cool parents!