Monday, August 16, 2010

Paige’s Baptism

Paige had been waiting and waiting to turn 8 and get baptized. She is one of the last in her primary class, so she was really excited. We had a great day with this sweet little girl. Thanks to all our family who were able to come spend this day with us.





We really struggle to get Carson to sit still for pictures. This one cracks me up!! A big tractor was driving down the road, and we kept asking him to look at the camera, but you can see his eyes are focused on something a little more interesting.


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Morgan’s Birthday Party

It is birthday time at our house, and this time it is Morgan’s turn. We love having her birthday in the summer, because it is so easy to do a swimming party. Only this year, her only request for her party was that it was not a swimming party! We had a little family party on her birthday with the Grandma’s and Grandpa’s, and then the next day she had a movie party with some friends.

We always the start the day with some pancakes with a candle.

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We had a crazy loud night, but Morgan had a great time getting together with her friends! Happy #11 Miss Morgan!!

Growing way too fast…

This little boy will be 8 months old this week. How does that happen? All of a sudden he is sitting, not fitting into his car seat, and becoming mobile.

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He also has grown in some very unruly hair. The back of it sticks up and will not lay down for anything. His dad thinks he needs a trim, but I can’t part with that sweet baby hair yet.

Inch worm

Cooper has decided to try army crawling. (Sorry about the terrible noise in the background, we were having a movie birthday party in the basement!)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Weekend Away

Last weekend we went to Star Valley to go visit Aaron’s grandpa and take the kids to the fair there. My kids love to go visit grandpa’s farm, I think Carson would be happy if we stayed all summer long. He loves learning about the old farm equipment, helping Grandpa change the water, riding on the 4-wheeler, and having Grandpa take him on tractor rides.

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We spent one full day at the fair, the kids rode rides till we made them leave for dinner, and then they still begged to go back again for another hour. At about 7:30 we finally drug them back to Grandpa’s house.

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This ride was the kids favorite. I was sure it would scare Carson, so I told him he was too small. He got mad and I kept trying to cheer him up and all he would do is say “ I want to do nothing! Only that one!” and point at the ride. I finally just let him go and he ended up loving it.

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Sleepy Cooper in the trailer.

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We took a short drive up to Cottonwood lake. So pretty, the water was turquoise. The kiddo’s already want to go back and bring a little boat next time.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Big Springs

A few weeks ago, we had our annual Lowry family Reunion. This year we rented a cabin in Island Park for a long weekend of playing with cousins, playing games, relaxing, going for 4-wheeler rides, and seeing some of our favorite places there. On Sunday we drove to Big Spring to take a short walk and feed the fish. The fish of course were not too hungry, but Aaron did have fun feeding the seagulls. We learned that they can’t eat corn nuts very well. Here are our favorite pictures of the cousins.

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer Dance Class

Each summer, a couple of girls down the street teach a six week dance class to a bunch of the neighborhood girls. Paige missed a few weeks because she sprained her ankle and we were out of town one week, but she loved going when we were around!

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The teachers made them cute little tutu’s, gave them hula hoops, and cute little treat bags after the recital. It was the cutest thing ever.