Sunday, September 16, 2012

day trip….island park

before girls camp, i wanted to go  check out the cabin we would be staying in for a week.  some of our favorite friends decided to join us for the day:)  since poor becky is in young women’s, she ended up helping a ton as i got ready for girls camp….including coming with me to check out the place.  our hubbies were busy, so we loaded all the kids in the van set out for our adventure.  we got lost a few times, but the kids were still pretty patient.  after we had visited the cabin, we headed to big springs to feed the fish and have a picnic.

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we ended up feeding the seaguls instead of the fish.  those birds ate the food before the fish even had a chance.

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we had such a fun day spending time with good friends!

1 comment:

becky ward said...

i love that picture that looks like owen is kicking the seagull. ;) fun times.