Wednesday, September 12, 2012

lowry family talent show

on saturday night we had a talent show.  the kids were supposed to perform or bring something to display their talent.  i only saw half of the show because cooper had missed his nap for two days and he was delirious.  aaron snapped some pictures of some of the cousins.

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gabe might have been a little nervous about his talent. poor little guy.

8-2012 235  carson showed a lego airplane that he had made

8-2012 237      paige and morgan played the piano

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grandma pulled out the accordian:)

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when everyone was done, all the cousins sang “i hope they call me on a mission” to colter.  we are going to miss this boy when he leaves on his mission in october.  he is truly loved by all these sweet kids, and is such a great example to them.

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