Sunday, April 24, 2011

Detroit Science Center…last part

Meghan just sitting outside of the museum…looking pretty cute:)


The kids decided to try out a chemistry lab. They gave them cute little bags with aprons, notepads, and some supplies to keep.


They performed some experiments with cabbage and some other stuff you would find in your house.  I had to leave with Cooper, so I didn’t get to see what they were up to, but I do think they are some cute little scientists.




Right before the place closed we went to an electricity show.  We got to see this girls hair go a little crazy with static electricity, see a little lightning, and hear some loud bangs.  I was worried Cooper would get scared, but we covered his ears and he did great.


One last picture with the dinosaur before we leave.  Sorry Morgan, I didn’t have a picture with Paige’s arm not covering your face.



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