Thursday, March 5, 2009

A little more snow fun!

So, I am grateful that it is starting to warm up and the hope of warm weather is slowly approaching, but this little guy is going to miss this snow! He begs to go outside daily, and is so happy when I finally get the motivation to put his snow clothes on one more time.

He likes to take out most of his trucks, most of my kitchen utensils, and now he is raiding the garage for his Dad's things to play in the snow with!

I just can't wait until all the snow melts, so I can find all my spatula's again.


Anonymous said...

He is so cute. He is all boy.

Elena said...

I'm shocked every spring to find so many spoons that have gone missing. So funny!

becky ward said...

it does take a lot of motivation and work to dress the kids to go outside. i am with you...can't wait for the day i can just send them out the door without layers.

Amber said...

Um, sounds like a certain someone at my house! Great minds think a like I guess!